There are several ways you can help out:
1. Water your gardens as infrequently as possible (you can use cooled washing up/bath water to do water ornamental plants if you do not have a water butt, and lawns will be fine until rain comes even if they don’t look especially pleasing at the moment). Use watering cans to target the base of your plants, not hoses or sprinklers – this means they will get as much of the water to their roots as possible and you will have to do it less frequently.
2. Run appliances such as dishwashers and washing machines only when you have a full load and switch to the “eco” setting if available.
3. Use as little water on washing up as possible, and switch off taps when brushing your teeth. Fix any taps that may be leaking (a tap dripping once per second wastes almost 3000 gallons of water over the course of a year).
4. Refrain from washing your cars.
5. Take quick showers instead of baths where possible.
Thank you